Ph.D.: | Mechanical Engineering(Major: Materials, Minor: Design), University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 2007 |
M.S.: | Mechanical Engineering (Mechanics and Materials), University of Southern California, Los Angeles , 2005 |
B. Tech.: | Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 2003 |
Resume |
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Education: | Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar |
Current Research: | Threshold fatigue behavior and high temperature mechanical testing |
Resume |
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Education: | B.Tech. (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering) Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang, Odisha
M.Tech. (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur |
Current Research: | Effect of electric current on mechanical properties |
Resume |
E-mail: | |
Education: | B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) St. Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru
M.Tech. (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering), National Institute of Technology, Karnataka |
Current Research: | Creep of thin films |
Resume |
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Education: | B.E. (Mechanical and Production Engineering) TKM College of Engineering, Kerala University
M.Tech. (Metallurgical Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Indore |
Current Research: | Dwell fatigue in Ti alloys |
Resume |
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Education: | B.Tech. (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering) VNIT, Nagpur
M.Tech. (Materials Engineering), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore |
Current Research: | Indentation creep: Methdology and application to superalloys |
Resume |
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Education: | B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia
M.Tech. (Materials Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology Patna and TU Darmstadt (DAAD) |
Current Research: | Mechanical properties and deformation mechanism of refractory materials at elevated temperature |
Resume |
E-mail: | |
Education: | B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Cochin University of Science & Technology
M.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar |
Current Research: | Bending creep: Handling dissimilar material joints with non-uniform spatial distribution |
Resume |
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Education: | B.Tech. (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering) National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur
M.Tech. (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur |
Current Research: | Mechanical behavior of high-temperature materials |
Resume |
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Education: | B.Tech. (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering) National Institute of Technology, Srinagar |
Current Research: | Fatigue behavior of AM Ti alloys |
Resume |
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Education: | B.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering) Debre Markos University (DMU), Ethiopia
M.Sc. (Manufacturing Engineering), Bahir Dar University (BDU), Ethiopia |
Current Research: | Mechanical behavior of high-temperature materials |
Resume |
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Education: | B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) Kathmandu University (KU), Kathmandu (Nepal) |
Current Research: | Severe plastic deformation |
Resume |
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Education: | B.Tech. (Metallurgy and Materials Engineering) Indian Institute of Engineering science and Technology, Shibpur |
Current Research: | High temperature mechanical behavior |
Resume |
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Education: | B.Tech. (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering) Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies - R K Valley Campus |
Current Research: | High temperature mechanical behavior |
Resume |
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Education: | B.Tech. (Electronics and Instrumentation), B.Sc. (Physics (Hons.)) Jadavpur University, Kolkata ,
Ph.D. (Nano-Science and Engineering), IISc, Bangalore |
Research @ IISc: | Study and control of electromigration driven material transport for applications in nano-fabrication and patterning |
Currently at: | Assistant Professor at IISER Bhopal / Profile |
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Thesis Synopsis |
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Education: | B.Tech.(Metallurgical and Materials Engineering), VNIT, Nagpur,
Ph.D. (Materials Engineering), IISc, Bangalore |
Research @ IISc: | Major: Mechanics and materials science based study of whiskering in Sn coatings. Minor: Study of effect of electric field on the mechanical behavior of CNT foams |
Currently at: | Assistant Professor at IIT Roorkee / Profile | Previously at: | Brown University (Fulbright Post-Doctoral Scholar) |
Resume | |
Thesis Synopsis |
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Education: | B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering),NIT Hamirpur ,
Ph.D. (Materials Engineering), IISc, Bangalore |
Research @ IISc: | Major Effect of electric current loading and self-induced magnetic field on fracture and failure of pre-cracked metallic foils. Minor: Development of (CNT or rGO)-Cu-In based new generation thermal interface materials. | Currently at: | JNU as an Assistant Professor, School of Engineering / Profile |
Resume | |
Thesis Synopsis |
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Education: | M.E. (Materials Engineering) Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore ,
Ph.D. (Materials Engineering), IISc, Bangalore |
Research@IISc: | Diffusion controlled growth of phases in metal-tin systems related to microelectronics packaging | Currently at: | IIT Roorkee as an Assistant Professor / Profile |
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Full Thesis |
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Education: | B.Sc., M.Sc. and M.Tech. (Materials Engineering), University of Hyderabad
Ph.D. (Materials Engineering), IISc, Bangalore |
Research@IISc: | Effect of electromigration, thermomigration and thermal-cycling on mass transport in Cu films | Currently at: | Post-Doctoral Fellow at CeNSE, IISc/ Google Scholar Profile | Previously at: | Rice University (Post-Doctoral Scholar) |
Resume | |
Thesis Synopsis |
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Education: | B.Tech. (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering) NIT Jamshedpur
Ph.D. (Materials Engineering), IISc, Bangalore |
Research@IISc: | Mechanical behavior of free-standing APS 7YSZ | Currently at: | Assistant Professor, IIT Jammu/ Profile | Previously at: | GE Global Research, Bangalore, and Stony Brook University |
Resume | |
Thesis Synopsis |
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Education: | B.Sc (Physics) Patna Science College, Patna ;
M.Sc (Physics) IIT-Bombay, Mumbai Ph.D. (Materials Engineering), IISc, Bangalore |
Research@IISc: | Electric current induced flow on conducting and non-conducting substrate and its applications | Currently at: | Senior Research Fellow at IISc/ Researchgate Profile |
Resume | |
Thesis Synopsis |
E-mail: | |
Education: | B.E. (Metallurgical and Materials Science Engineering) NIT, Srinagar
M.Tech. (Materials Engineering) IIT-Roorkee Ph.D. (Materials Engineering), IISc, Bangalore |
Research@IISc: | Development of bending creep as a high throughput replacement of unixial creep tests | Currently at: | Assistant Research Professor at John Hopkins University/ Researchgate Profile |
Previously at: | Post-Doctoral Fellow at University of Colorado, Boulder |
Resume | |
Thesis Synopsis |
E-mail: | |
Education: | B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) MKSSS'S Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Pune
Ph.D. (Materials Engineering), IISc, Bangalore |
Research @ IISc: | Major: Effect of length-scale and geometry on relaibility of metal-Si systems; Minor: Mechanical behavior of polymer based composites | Currently at: | Humboldt Post-Doctoral Fellow at Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Düsseldorf / Researchgate Profile |
Resume | |
Thesis Synopsis |
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Education: | B.Tech. (Metallurgical and Materials Science Engineering), National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal ;
M.E. (Materials Engineering), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Ph.D. (Materials Engineering), IISc, Bangalore |
Research @ IISc: | Major: Creep behavior of high purity LiF single crystals; Minor(s): Severe plastic deformation; Creep of Cu-Bi | Currently at: | Post Doctoral Fellow at BAM (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung), Berlin (Germany) / Google Scholar Profile |
Previously at: | Post-Doctoral Fellow at The University of Manchester |
Resume | |
Thesis Synopsis |
E-mail: | |
Education: | B.Engg.(Mechanical Engineering) Sri Jaya Chamarajendra College of Engineering (SJCE), Mysore
Ph.D. (Materials Engineering), IISc, Bangalore |
Research @ IISc: | Electric field induced flow in liquid metals | Currently at: | Post Doctoral Fellow, Delft University / Google Scholar Profile |
Resume | |
Thesis Synopsis |
E-mail: | |
Education: | B.Tech. (Metallurgical and Materials Science Engineering), Jadavpur University, Kolkata;
M.E. (Materials Engineering), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Ph.D. (Materials Engineering), IISc, Bangalore |
Research @ IISc: | Effect of joint scale on creep of solder joints | Currently at: | Post-Doctoral Fellow at Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Düsseldorf / Researchgate Profile |
Resume | |
Thesis Synopsis |
E-mail: | |
Education: | B.Tech. (Metallurgical and Materials), National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology (NIFFT), Ranchi
Ph.D. (Materials Engineering), IISc, Bangalore |
Research @ IISc | Mechanical reliability of bond coats | Currently at: | Post-Doctoral Fellow at GE India / Researchgate Profile |
Resume | |
Thesis Synopsis |
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Education: | B.E. (Metallurgical and Materials Science Engineering) NIT, Srinagar
M.E. (Materials Engineering), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore |
Research @ IISc: | Effect of microstructure on creep under bending | Currently at: | Post-Doctoral Fellow at John Hopkins University (USA)/ Researchgate Profile |
Resume | |
Thesis Synopsis |
E-mail: | |
Education: | B.Tech. (Metallurgical and Materials Science Engineering) VNIT, Nagpur |
Research @ IISc: | Electric current induced fracture of metals | Currently at: | Engineer at Applied Materials, Bangalore/ google scholar Profile |
Resume | |
Thesis Synopsis |
E-mail: | |
Education: | B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna
M.Tech. (Energy Technology), Tezpur University, Assam |
Research @ IISc: | High temperature mechanical behavior of Ni-based superalloys | Currently at: | Post-doctoral Fellow at Tampere University, Finland/ google scholar Profile |
Resume | |
Thesis Synopsis |
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Education: | B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Integral University, Lucknow |
Research@IISc: | Creep behavior (in bending) of a ferritic steel used in steam turbine blades | Currently at: | -- |
Resume | |
Thesis Synopsis |
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Education: | B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru |
Research @ IISc: | Fatigue behavior of UFG Cu | Currently at: | PhD student: Coutelle Program at Coventry University, UK and Deakin University, Australia |
Resume | |
Thesis Synopsis |
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Education: | B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru |
Research @ IISc: | Modelling of indentation creep | Currently at: | PhD student: Georgia Tech (USA) |
Resume | |
Thesis Synopsis |
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Education: | B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru |
Research @ IISc: | Biocompatibility of SPD processed Mg alloys | Currently at: | PhD student: Washington State University, Pullman (USA) |
Resume | |
Thesis Synopsis |
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Education: | B.Tech (Materials Engineering), IIT, Kanpur , M.E. (Materials Engineering), IISc, Bangalore |
Research @ IISc: | Application of high pressure torsion (HPT), a severe plastic deformation (SPD) process, for achieving "high ductility-high strength" in cast Al-7%Si alloy |
Currently at: | Materials Scientist at Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL) (Finished PhD from Washington State University) |
Resume |
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Education: | B.Tech (Materials Engineering), Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur M.E. (Materials Engineering), IISc, Bangalore |
Research @ IISc: | Study of strain rate controlled mechanical behavior of Cu-Bi alloys at various temperatures, including above melting point of Bi |
Currently at: | Indian Oil Corporation Limited |
Resume |
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Education: | B.Tech (Metallurgy and Materials Engineering), Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur , M.E. (Materials Engineering), IISc, Bangalore |
Research @ IISc: | Synthesis, mechanical behavior and electro-thermal actuation in rGO foams |
Currently at: | PhD student at IIT-Bombay, Mumbai |
Resume |
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Education: | B.E. (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering) NIT, Surathkal |
Research @ IISc: | Effect of electric current on whiskering in Sn |
Currently at: | United Technologies (UTC), Bangalore |
Resume |
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Education: | B.E. (Materials and Metallurgical Engineering) NIT, Durgapur |
Research @ IISc: | Effect of magnetic field and electric current on fracture of metallic foils |
Currently at: | Applied Materials, Bangalore |
Resume |
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Education: | B.E. (Metallurgical Engineering) BIT, Sindari |
Research @ IISc: | Creep and failure of steels and superalloys in bending |
Currently at: | Applied Materials, Bangalore |
Resume |
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Education: | B.E. (Metallurgical Engineering) Veer Surendra Sai University Of Technology, Burla |
Research @ IISc: | Effect of substrate composition on whiskering |
Currently at: | Engineer, SAIL (Visakhapatnam) |
Resume |
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Education: | B.E. (Metallurgical Engineering) National Institute of Technology, Raipur |
Research@IISc: | Creep of AM A205 alloy |
Currently at: | Applied Materials, Bangalore |
Resume |
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Education: | B.Tech. (Materials and Metallurgical Engineering) MANIT Bhopal |
Research@IISc: | Effect of electric current and joint length scale on creep |
Currently at: | Metallurgical Engineer, Neterwala Group of Companies |
Resume |
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Education: | B.E. (Metallurgical Engineering) BIT Sindari |
Research@IISc: | Effect of Cr on Sn whiskering |
Currently at: | Scientist B, Naval Science & Technological Laboratory (NSTL), DRDO |
Resume |
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Education: | B.Tech. (Metallurgical Engineering) Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada |
Research@IISc: | Effect of gamma-prime size distribution on fatigue of HY282 |
Currently at: | Engineer, Applied Materials |
Resume |
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Education: | B.Tech. (Metallurgical Engineering) National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology, Ranchi (Now: National Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology) |
Current Research: | Optimization of microstructure of LPBF Ti alloy for improving creep response |
Currently at: | Engineer Trainee, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Trichy/Tiruchirappalli |
Resume |
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Education: | B.Sc. (Research) Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore |
Research @IISc: | Creep mechanism of Pb-free, Sn-Ag-Cu (SAC) solders at high temperatures | Currently at: | PhD student at Bordeaux University, France |
Resume |
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Education: | B.Sc. (Research) Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore |
Research @IISc: | Creep and stress relaxation in thin films | Currently at: |
Resume |