Tetrapods based Smart Materials for Advanced Technologies (02/12/24)

ASM International Bengaluru Chapter
Indian Institute of Metals - Bangalore Chapter

Cordially invite you to ASM-IIM Joint Technical Talk

Speaker and Affliation:

Prof. Dr. Yogendra Kumar Mishra
Mads Clausen Institute, NanoSYD, Smart Materials,
University of Southern Denmark


2nd December, 2024 (Monday), 04.00 PM (India Standard Time)


KPA Auditorium, Dept. of Materials Engineering, IISc, Bangalore


Considering the size dependent utilization complexities of nanoscopic dimensions tin real technologies, the focus of nanomaterials community is converging to three-dimensional (3D) smart nanomaterials which are built out of interconnected nanostructures building blocks. This talk will briefly introduce the importance of tetrapod nanostructures towards smart 3D nanostructuring via a simple and single step flame-based approach for synthesis of zinc oxide tetrapods. These tetrapods have already demonstrated their potential roles in many different technologies. These zinc oxide tetrapods can be used as solid backbone or sacrificial templates to design hybrid or new tetrapods as smart materials. These smart 3D nanomaterials offer many applications in engineering and advanced technologies. Application examples of 3D tetrapods in nanosensing, composite engineering, antiviral candidates, water purification, piezotronics, agriculture, and in several other applications will be demonstrated [1-10]. The integration of tetrapods in electrospun fibers offer many advantages in biomedical engineering and few examples about nano-engineered electrospun fibers will be presented as recent developments.


Yogendra Kumar Mishra is Professor MSO at Mads Clausen Institute, NanoSYD, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Denmark. Prior to SDU, he worked as group leader at Kiel University, Germany. He earned habilitation (Dr. habil.) in Materials Science from Kiel University in 2015 and Ph. D. in Physics in 2008 from Jawaharlal Nehru University (Inter University Accelerator Centre), New Delhi, India. He has introduced a new flame-based synthesis method for growth of tetrapod structures form zinc oxide and their highly porous 3D interconnected flexible networks. The tetrapods and their 3D networks have demonstrated many applications in engineering, agriculture, and biomedical fields. Additionally, tetrapods can be used as templates to create hybrid and new 3D materials. At SDU Sønderborg, he is heading ‘Smart Materials’ group with the focus to develop new materials for green and sustainable technologies. He is Humboldtian and recently honored with FRSC- Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry.
