Smart corrosion protection concepts for plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) layers on light metals: Approaches and Challenges (03/12/24)

Speaker and Affliation:

Dr. Carsten Blawert
Head, Institute of Functional Surfaces, Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon, Geesthacht, Germany


3rd December, 2024 (Tuesday), 3.00 PM (India Standard Time)


KPA Auditorium, Dept. of Materials Engineering, IISc, Bangalore


PEO layer formation is a typical conversion process requiring compounds from the substrate and from the electrolyte. However, the coating formation is stimulated by applying electrical energy and the resulting high energy plasma discharges are converting the surface into oxide-based ceramics. Effective surface temperatures are around 2000°C and thus any kind of additives to the treatment bathes are likely to be decomposed and/or react with the coating components in the melt pools generated by the discharges. Thus, most of the in-situ approaches to form smart PEO coatings are failing. However, post-treatments using the porosity as micro-/macrocontainer and/or layer double hydroxide formation to create “smart” protective hybrid coatings are an option. These hybrid coatings provide both barrier and “smart” protection to the magnesium and aluminium substrates.

The presentation will review the available approaches to produce smart PEO coatings for corrosion protection and discuss the still existing challenges which needs to overcome for broader industrial applications.
