The high temperature strength of single crystal Ni-bases superalloys: Constant strain-rate, creep and out-of-phase thermos mechanical fatigue testing (25/07/24)

Speaker and Affliation:

Professor Gunther Eggeler

Chair for Materials Science, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum (Germany)


25th July, 2024 (Thursday), 11.00 PM (India Standard Time)


KPA Auditorium, Dept. of Materials Engineering, IISc, Bangalore


The present work takes a new look at the high temperature strength of single crystal (SX) Ni-base superalloys, comparing high temperature constant strain rate (CSR) testing, creep testing and out-of-phase thermomechanical fatigue (OP-TMF) testing. These high temperature tests represent key characterization methods supporting alloy development and component. The three types of tests are compared using the same SX alloy, working with precisely oriented <001>-specimens and considering the same temperature range between 1023 and 1223 K, where climb-controlled micro-creep processes need to be considered. It is shown that the three types of tests provide different types of information. Mechanical results are discussed on a microstructural basis, using results from scanning and transmission electron microscopy.
