State of Art Developments in Flash-Sintering (10/03/22)

Speaker and Affliation:

Dr. Syed Idrees Afzal Jalali (Ali)
Post-Doctoral Fellow
University of Colorado, Boulder (USA)


10th March, 2022 (Thursday), 04:00 PM (India Standard Time)


Classroom, Department of Materials Engineering


Sintering is one of the oldest arts known to man. However, it was only in the last five decades that the science of sintering was perfected. More recently, the addition of electric field-assisted sintering has led to ultrafast sintering and achieving improved properties compared to conventional sintering. In this subset of sintering processes, flash-sintering has emerged as a rather distinctive processing route due to the simplicity of the process and flexibility in scale-up. While the scientific engagement of flash sintering saw an exponential increase in the last few years, it is now being applied to processes beyond sintering. These include reactive flash-sintering, where two components are co-flashed to result in a non-equilibrium phase stabilization, the touch-free sintering, where the boundaries of electricity-induced sintering are pushed towards complex shape sintering, and the possibility of graphene infusion by flash, to name a few states of art developments in the flash. It’s speculated that most, if not all, of these distinctive properties are possible due to the existence of a solid-state plasma during the Stage III of the flash. I am looking forward to discussing these developments with you in the upcoming talk.
