Direct Electron EBSD detector (18/07/24)

Speaker and Affliation:

Dr. Jakub Holzer
ThermoFisher Scientific in Brno, Czech Republic


18th July, 2024 (Thursday), 03.30 PM (India Standard Time)


KPA Auditorium, Dept. of Materials Engineering, IISc, Bangalore


Direct electron detection is an emerging technology in the field of detection science and the industry is slowly undergoing the same change and it experienced when Si-Li EDS detector became obsolete with arrival of silicon drift detectors. The talk will focus on advantages of direct electron detection sensors used in SEM and SDBs, especially in Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. portfolio of microscopes. The main topics will be standard EBSD geometry (70 deg tilt), Reflection Kikuchi Diffraction and 4DSTEM/TKD application

Speaker Bio:

Jakub Holzer, Ph.D. works as an application scientist at ThermoFisher Scientific in Brno, Czech republic. He is responsible for the application development of mid-range dual beams and diffraction based analytical and imaging techniques. He acquired his Ph.D. from Central European Institute of Technology while working at Institute of Physics of Materials of Czech Academy of Sciences.
