
The members of this laboratory use the following facilities for materials processing and characetrization. Some of these facilities are housed in the laboratory itself, some are department facilities and some are institute facilities.


Servo-hydraulic Universal Testing Machine (UTM)
Purpose: Tensile/Compression, Fatigue, 3-point bend test


(resolution: 1 nm)
SE/BSE/In-lens SE EDS/EBSD (oxford)


FEG-SEM (ZEISS, GeminiSEM 450)
Purpose: EDS, STEM, ECCI


X-ray Diffractometer (Rigaku, SmartLab)
(5 Axis Goniometer, Cu/Co source)
Bulk Texture, Residual stress


Asymmetric rolling mill (VEC solutions)
(Capacity: 100 ton, Max asymmetry ratio: 5:1, Min thickness: 0.3 mm)
Light alloy rolling (Al/Mg etc.)


Vacuum induction melter (VEC solutions)
(Highest Temp: 1400˚C)
Alloy melting/Homogenisation, Eddy current stirring


Vacuum arc melting unit (VEC solutions)
(Highest Temp: 3000˚C, Tungsten electrode)


2-High rolling mill (BUHLER)
(Capacity: 100 ton, Min thickness: 0.3 mm)
High temperature rolling (Max temp: 1000˚C) Room temperature rolling Cryogenic rolling


Vacuum hot press (Hydrothrust)
(Capacity: 100 ton, Max temp: 1000˚C)


(Capacity: 100 ton, Max temp: 400˚C)
Light alloys


Vacuum sealing unit


Hot extrusion press
(Capacity: 100 ton, Max temp: 400˚C)
Light alloys


Surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) unit (Cosmic Industries Ltd)
(Frequency range: 50 Hz)