Research Interests

Current areas of interest include :

  • Materials related issues in new routes for energy generation.
  • Material design for high temperature applications.
  • Process and Microstructure design for better properties in light alloys.
  • Synthesis and Phase Transformation behavior of materials at nano scale with emphasis on metals and alloys .
  • Structure-Property-Processing relationship in nanostructured magnetic materials.
  • Experimental and numerical studies on Friction Stir Welding/Processing
  • Material related issues in Electronic Packaging.

We have had active interest inSurface modification by Laser cladding route and Materials Processing under Microgravity in recent past.


Energy Materials .
An exciting field, the quest for renewable and clean energy attracts a lot of attention world over. Like any other field, the theoretical frameworks developed over time need to be realized in practice and that is where the materials capabilities decide the practically achievable limits of these systems.

We have initiated efforts in a new programme looking for self cleaning coatings for solar applications and printable elctronics.

Additionally we have another programme where we are working on nano structured thermo electric materials for high temperature applications.


High Temperature Materials .
The need for improving the capabilities of high temperature materials ever exists. In the present work we are trying to develop nano structured eutectic alloys that retain high strengths at elevated temperatures. Recently we have filed an international patent for one such system. Further research is going on to investigate the underlying mechanisms for room temperature and high temperature strength of these alloys.


Light Alloys .
The light alloys (Aluminum and Magnesium) constitute a major chunk of metal consumption world over due to their overwhelming use in civilian aircraft industry. We are looking into pushing the upper service temperature of such aluminum alloys by various routes such as composition control, microstructure tailoring, novel processing routes etc.


Nano Alloy Particles .
The behavior of material systems change markedly when the length scales approach nano regime. The interfacial energy contribution dominates over bulk energy contribution as compared to macro length scales giving interesting properties. We explore novel synthesis routes for developing these particles and study the influence of the reduced length scale on phase transformation of these particles. The synthesis techniques include mechanical milling, laser ablation and chemical routes.

In addition we also look at the role of interfacial energy in determining phase transformation behavior of nano particles embedded in bulk metal.


Nanostructured magnetic materials .
As discussed above, nano length scales offer exciting opportunities in material systems. One such system is magnetic materials. We are looking into structure-property-processing correlation in these materials at nano-scales with specific emphasis on non equilibrium processing routes for synthesis.


Friction Stir Welding/Processing .
Owing to various advantages compared to conventional welding, FSW/FSP has received lot of attention recently. We are looking at developing numerical models for friction stir processing to study flow characteristics of the material in process zone.

Additionally we are also exploring ways to develop processing routes involving FSP for the synthesis of high strength aluminum alloys.


Electronic Packaging .
The demise of lead containing alloys for electronic applications has opened up new opportunities for alloy development involving silver, zinc and tin. We have an active programme looking into the basic physical metallurgy and solidification behavior of these alloys.