Authors are requested to submit their original and unpublished work in an abstract form within 250 words on any aspect given in the scope of conference. All abstracts will be peer reviewed and the authors will be notified accordingly. The abstracts may be prepared in MS Word format and sent electronically to the Conference e-mail address: Participation of research students is strongly encouraged. The student presentation would be considered either in an oral or poster session.
Click here to download the template for manuscript preparation. Authors are strictly adviced to adhere to the guidelines mentioned in the template file.The deadline for manuscript submission is 10th of May 2019.
Abstract submission: February 15, 2019
Acceptance of the abstract: March 01, 2019
Submission of full paper: May 10, 2019
Papers after peer-review process, will be published as a conference proceedings in a soft form, which will be made available to all registered participants at the beginning of the conference. Attempts are also being made to publish selected papers in some interantional journals after due referring process as per journal requirements.