Courses I Teach  


I am teaching the following courses during the academic year 2009-10:

1. MT 209 "Crystal Defects" is now called Defects in Materials-I (3:0) : This is one of the six soft-core courses offered by the department. This will be offered in the Aug semester. We meet MWF @ 10:00 A. The Materials Engineering Lecture Hall is being renovated, so we will meet in one of the classrooms in the lecture hall complex.


Classes commence on 5th Aug, 2009, Wednesday.


Review of basic crystallography and thermodynamics; Defect classification; Defect equilibrium; Point defects in metallic, ionic and covalent crystals; Dislocation theory - continuum and atomistic; Dislocations in different crystals; Interface thermodynamics and structure; Overview of grain boundaries, interphase boundaries, stacking faults and special boundaries; Volume defects; Defects in non-crystalline materials; Defects and mechanical, electrical, magnetic and optical properties; Defect characterization techniques.

Prerequisites: Knowledge of crystallography, characterization methods and solution thermodynamics.

Suggested Reading:
1) W.D. Kingery, H.K. Bowen and D.R. Uhlmann.: Introduction to Ceramics, 2nd ed., John Wiley and Sons, 1976
2) A. C. Damask and G. J. Dienes: Point Defects in Metals, 1st ed., Gordon and Breach, 1963
3) D. Hull and D. J. Bacon: Introduction to dislocations, 4th ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001
4) D.A. Porter and K.E. Easterling: Phase Transformation in Metals and Alloys, 2nd ed. Chapman and Hall, 1992

2. MT 241 Structure and Characterization of Materials (3:0) : This is one of the two hard-core courses offered by the department. This will be offered in the Aug semester. I will be TEM parts of the course alongside Dr. Rajeev Ranjan 



Lattices and Point Groups, Crystal structures of selected intermetallics and ceramics, imperfections in crystals, X-ray diffracion and its applications, Stereographic projection and the reciprocal lattice, Scanning probe microscopy, Transmission electron microscopy, Field ion microscopy, Case studies in characterisation.


Suggested Reading:

1) Barett, C.S. and Massalski, T.B., Structure of Metals, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1980

2) Cullity, B.D., Elements of X-ray diffraction, Addison-Wesley, 1978

3) Williams, D.B. and Barry Carter, C., Transmission Electron Microscopy, Plenum Press, New York, 1996.


3. MT 304 Defects in Materials-II (2:1) : Also known as the Revenge of the Crystal Defects...This is an advanced level course and its being offered is subject to a minimum number of interested students. This will be offered once in two years - in the Jan semester of even years. The course will involve two hours of lecture each week and a tutorial class where we'll learn computational modeling techniques related to crystal defects. This will be offered again in January 2010


Review of defects in materials; Point defects and diffusion; Electrical and optical effects of point defects, Advanced dislocation theory; Dislocation kinetics; Interface structure and energetics, Grain and special boundaries, Interface kinetics: migration and sliding; Interfaces in phase transformation and plastic deformation; Electronic properties of interfaces; Volume defects; Defect interactions: point defect-dislocation interaction, dislocation-interface interactions, segregation, high diffusivity paths, etc.; Atomistic simulation of defects.

Prerequisites: Defects in Materials-I (MT209), Knowledge of crystallography, structural characterization techniques and solution thermodynamics.

Suggested Reading:
1) J.P. Hirth and J.L. Lothe: Theory of Dislocations, 2nd ed., Krieger, 1982
2) A. P. Sutton and R. W. Balluffi: Interfaces in Crystalline Materials, 1st ed., Oxford Univ. Press, 1995
3) P. Shewmon: Diffusion in Solids, 2nd ed., TMS, 1989
4) R.W. Balluffi, S.M. Allen, W.C. Carter: Kinetics of Materials, 1st ed. Wiley-Interscience, 2005
5) D. McLean: Grain Boundaries in Metals, 1st ed., Oxford Univ. Press, 1957

4. MT 306 Advanced Topics in Mechanical Behavior of Materials (3:0) : This advanced level course on mechanical properties will cover several topics covered by different instructors; I will be teaching one part. This was offered for the first time in January 2007 and then in January 2009. This will be offered again in January 2011


a) Mechanical properties of nanocrystalline materials: A.H. Chokshi

b) Residual stresses, fracture at bi-material interfaces, plasticity in small volumes:V. Jayaram

c) Mechanical behaviour of textured polycrystals, recent advances in polycrystal plasticity, strain hardening theories and grain boundary engineering: S. Suwas

d) Elastic/shear/shock waves, dynamic deformation & high strain-rate materials behavior:S. Karthikeyan


Suggested Reading:
1) Marc A. Meyers: Dynamic Behavior of Materials, 1st ed., Wiley-Interscience, 1994
2) H. Kolsky: Stress Waves in Solids, 1st ed., Oxford University Press, 1953
3) Metals Handbook, Volume 8, 9th ed., ASM, pp. 185-299, 1985

4) ASM Handbook, Volume 8, 10th ed., ASM, pp. 425-561, 2000


5. MT 243 Laboratory Experiments in Metallurgy (0:2) : This two credit lab is mandatory for all ME students. This course is conducted by various faculty members. I conduct two labs and nominally coordinate the course. This is offered in the January semester each year


The following is the list of labs:
1) Density/porosity measurement in ceramics: V. Jayaram
2) Cold Rolling and Recrystallization: Microstructure and kinetics: S. Suwas
3) Froth Flotation: S. Subramanian
4) Sintering kinetics of barium titanate compacts: R. Ranjan
5) Aging and hardness of an Al-Cu alloy: S. Suwas
6) Cooling curves, microstructure and phase diagram of Al-Si alloys: S. Karthikeyan
7) Oxidation kinetics in pure metals: A. Paul
8) Mechanical properties of Pb-Sn solder: S. Karthikeyan
9) Thermal properties of Polymers: P. Ramamurthy