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MT 201: Phase Transformations

Grading policy

The final grade will be based on the performance in two mid-term tests and in the final exam. The first mid-term, the second mid-term and the final exam will contribute 20 %, 30 % and 50 % to the final grade.

The students can bring to the exam upto two sheets (upto four pages!) of "A4" size, with whatever information they wish to carry with them.

Home assignments will be given about once a week. The students will be asked to solve them in a tutorial class. Roughly 50 percent of the questions in tests will be based on problems in the assignments; so, it really pays to be up on everything in them!. Some of them may require a bit of programming.

T. A. Abinandanan: abinand (at) iisc.ac.in
Last update: 15 September 2020