Santanu's Videos on Electromigration Induced Material Flow

These videos show liquid material flow under electric field. If you need more information on these, please write to me or Santanu Talukder (E-mail:

1. Flow of Ga on Au track : This video shows electric field driven, long range, continuous flow of liquid metals on a conducting substrate. The applied electric current was DC.

2. Ripple formation : This video shows wetting-cum-electric field driven flow of liquid metals in the direction opposite to the applied electric field. As shown in the video, such a flow forms surface patterns with periodic undulations.

3. Symmetric Cr flow : This video shows electric current (DC) induced flow of very thin Cr film deposited on SiO2-Si substrate. The flow is radially symmetric and originates only from the cathode probe. In this case, the distance between the cathode and the anode probes was at least 10 mm.

4. Assymmetric Cr flow : Similar to the video in 3, this video also shows electric current (DC) induced flow of very thin Cr film deposited on SiO2-Si substrate, originating from the cathode probe. However, here the flow is not radially symmetric. The distance between the two electrodes was approximately 500 micrometers.

5. Cr flow in streams : This video shows an extreme case where the electric current (DC) induced flow of very thin Cr film deposited on SiO2-Si substrate occurs in linear fashion between the two electrodes. This flow is similar to that shown in video -1; however, here the flow occures over a non-conducting substrate!

Cr flow under AC : This video shows an example flow of very thin Cr film, deposited on SiO2-Si substrate, due to an alternating current (AC). Note that the flow here originates from both electrodes (in contrast to DC where the flow originates only from the cathode probe).